If you did not already know, our hardfork regarding our TX Reduction, Block reward halving, and general core updates is scheduled for November 1st, 2019 (block height: 295,550). We strongly recommend updating your wallets for this update, and updates for uPlexa daemons for all pools & merchants are mandatory.
Android wallets do NOT require any updates as they strictly use remote daemons.
ElectraLight Wallet:
Please find the necessary updates for the ElectraLight uPlexa Wallet for Linux, Windows, and Mac here:
Standard uPlexa GUI Wallet:
Please find the necessary updates for the ElectraLight uPlexa Wallet for Linux, Windows, and Mac here:
Command-line wallet, daemon & tools:
Please find the necessary updates for the CMD line wallets, daemon and tools here:
Pool Operators:
Please ensure you update your DAEMON (uplexad) and RPC (uplexa-wallet-rpc) by compiling or downloading the latest version:
IMPORTANT (for pool operators):
Once you have updated your pool with the latest version of uPlexa, please head over to #pool-support in Discord (https://discord.gg/UxVX2bj) and type the following message to let us and our community know you have updated for the upcoming hardfork:
“(POOLNAME.COM) has updated to uPlexa v2.2.0 and is prepared for the reward halving hardfork.”